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About Your Privacy and The Institute for PostApocology
The Institute for PostApocology selected seven Humor Vectors to use in its Confuturist analysis of the Seven Scenarios. For this section, we will use none of the humor vectors. Privacy is very important to the Directors, and doesn't need Confuturist tension to be made clear.

Barring a court order, we will never provide your data (your user information, questions you've answered, your answers to the questions) voluntarily to anyone. On the Sign Up page, the "Public" checkbox only means "display on the website"; we will not sell or give your information to anyone without providing you with two months of opt-out opportunity. In the event of any sale of the Institute, the site, and its history, we commit to attempt to contact you, via the email address you provided, to enable an opt-out capability, in which you can void out or change any information provided in your Profile, prior to sale.

Further Notes:

We also commit to do our technical best to prevent hacking of any user data, but based on several decades of experience, no system can be guaranteed impervious. That's part of why we limit the data points we request. We will never request, on the site, any credit card, address, or phone number information. If you choose to buy merchandise, such information will be requested via a secondary, heavily-secured system like, or PayPal.

The most specific other item is your email address, but that can be an online-only address via hotmail, gmail, yahoo, or any other free email address. The ZIP code is the next most specific item, and we encourage you to provide your true locale (or even just one zone over), as it will enable many things in the future: mashups with Google Maps, geographically-specific recommendations, and PostApocaMates connections, upon reaching critical mass. We imagine PostApoc MeetUps, PostApoc regional user groups, and PostApoCohorts, who can help each other mobilize for PreApoc activities and, if required, PostApoc survival.

The other information we retain can be completely fictitious. If so, then we encourage humor, wit, and delight.

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