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The Natural Disaster Apocalypse
The Institute provides a Natural Disaster News service regarding this Scenario.
Natural disasters -- even huge, world-scale events -- are only "disasters" because they foul us up. The seaweed doesn't much care.

But tsunamis, earthquakes, meteor strikes, extreme solar flares, magnetic-pole disruption, and the like can foul human civilization up pretty badly.

These are the natural disasters -- things that we can't predict (though they occur with some regularity, looked at on the millenial scale), but which would dramatically affect life as we know it.

We are hypothesizing a decade in which one or more natural disasters occur -- disasters that kill hundreds of thousands of humans, affect most national economies, and disrupt many millions of lives: A tsunami that wipes out parts of the US Eastern seaboard, or lots of Japan, or lots of Europe. Anticipated earthquakes like the San Andreas, or the New Madrid (in central US), or others pending worldwide. A large meteor strike that blots out the sun -- you know, the wild stuff of movies.

Except, it might not be just a movie. Nobody predicted the Christmas Tsunami in Indonesia. Imagine what that would have done to Western Europe, or the US's West Coast. Hmm. Hollywood?

  • We're presuming significant impact on the most globally-dependent countries (the OECD in general)
  • Food, especially certain basics (like soybeans, even corn) may become significantly more expensive.
  • Standard shipping methods will continue to operate, even though it gets somewhat more expensive (given the disruption to ports, and traditional hubs).
  • The technical and engineering sciences go into practical research mode, trying to compensate and ameliorate
  • Political upheaval, as populations ask "did we learn nothing from Katrina!?"
  • Al-Qaeda and the "war on terrorism" in general fades in importance on an international level
  • Various unexpected consequences dramatically affect traditional markets
  • Financial devastation within many important sectors, and the increasing costs and unavailability of many foods, will create economic turmoil.
  • Certain areas will experience wild fluctuations in property values, with consequent community turmoil.
  • Substantial proportions of the reinsurance industry, and insurance companies themselves, are wiped out.
  • Energy costs, because of the disruption (and localized critical needs) will experience wild fluctuation
  • Greenhouses, gardens, and humanly-tended heritage crops will be more important, as well as profitable. Microagriculture becomes vital to community survival.
  • Canning and storing food when it's plentiful will become routine in homes.
  • Internet and other forms of telecommunication and entertainment continue to grow

The Institute provides a Natural Disasters News service regarding this Scenario.

Note: Contractual negotiations during the dissolution of the original partnership resulted in a requirement for cross-promotion and periodic mention of our former colleagues' sites. Linking implies neither support nor amusement: The Center for PostApocalypse Studies, and the unfortunate KissMyA$$pocalypse.

Impact of Natural Disasters
on Global Systems
Natural Infrastructure [?] Impact

Technical Infrastructure Impact

 Energy [?] Moderate
Social Infrastructure Impact

 Health [?] Moderate
 Community BuildingModerate
 Refugeeism [?] High
 Tourism [?] Moderate
 Chronic HungerLow
 Massive Die-off [?] Moderate
Economic/Political Infrastructure Impact

 Government Systems [?] Moderate
 Education SystemLow
 Property ValuesHigh
 Informal EconomyLow
 Monetary SystemModerate
 New business
  opportunities [?]
 Consumer SentimentHigh
 Dominant Economic
 Rule of LawLow
Comparisons of the seven PostApoc scenarios
Equal Share
of Clickthru to

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